Fungi in Focus: 6 Sustainability Strategies for Agriculture

Farmers, researchers, and policymakers are seeking ways to maintain productivity while minimizing harm to ecosystems. Enter fungi—nature’s often overlooked, but essential players. Fungi provide natural solutions that support soil health, nutrient cycling, water conservation, and pest control, all while reducing the need for harmful chemicals. This article explores the many ways mycology can enhance sustainable agriculture, offering a roadmap for a greener, healthier future.


Soil is the foundation of life as we know it, underpinning everything from the food we eat to the ecosystems that sustain our planet. Rich, fertile soils support vibrant plant growth, which in turn fuels entire food chains and contributes to the stability of global climate systems. In fact, healthy soil is essential for the resilience of agricultural systems, influencing crop yields, biodiversity, and even the quality of our water sources. As the global population grows and environmental challenges intensify, maintaining soil health becomes not just an agricultural concern, but a critical factor in ensuring the well-being of societies and ecosystems around the world.

1: Reimagining Waste Through Decomposition

Not everyone is a farmer but everyone eats. So I preface this with two EPA facts: In 2019, the United States generated 66.2 million tons of wasted food across the food retail, food service, and residential sectors, yet only 5% of this waste was composted. Food waste is a significant issue, as it represents the largest single category of material sent to landfills, accounting for 24.1% of municipal solid waste. When combined with other organic materials like yard trimmings and paper, organic waste makes up over half of the material in landfills. This massive volume of organic waste not only contributes to environmental problems (such as climate change) but also presents a valuable opportunity for re-thinking our wasteful behaviors, particularly using fungi, to transform waste into a resource and promote sustainable agriculture.

The Role of Saprophytic Fungi
Saprophytic fungi, which make up the majority of fungal species, are crucial in nutrient cycling. These fungi decompose organic matter, including agricultural and food waste, breaking down complex materials into simpler compounds. This process enriches the soil with essential nutrients that support plant growth.

Nutrient Recycling and Composting
One key byproduct of mushroom farming is the "spent" blocks of substrate. These blocks, after the mushrooms have been harvested, are rich in organic material and can be recycled into compost. By converting agricultural waste into compost, fungi reduce the need for external inputs and enhance soil fertility without relying on chemical amendments. 

Ecologically, composting enriches soil with essential nutrients, improving soil health and fostering vibrant plant growth, which supports diverse ecosystems. From a climate perspective, composting reduces greenhouse gas emissions by diverting organic waste from landfills, where it would produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas. 

By enhancing soil carbon storage, composting also contributes to climate change mitigation. For communities, composting reduces waste disposal costs, promotes local food production through enriched soils, and can create green jobs in composting operations. Overall, composting transforms waste into a valuable resource, supporting environmental sustainability and community well-being.

Food Production Strategy
Using fungi to recycle agricultural waste is not only eco-friendly but also a smart food production strategy. For example, mushrooms can be cultivated on substrates such as spent grain, straw, or other agricultural by-products or materials. The spent blocks left after mushroom harvest can be used to improve soil quality, demonstrating a zero-waste cycle where agricultural byproducts are utilized to produce both food and compost.

A Success Story:

Afterlife Mushrooms - Our mission is to prevent food waste from going into landfills so we can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions generated each year.

We make it easier, more transparent and accessible for food establishments and restaurants to upcycle food scraps and turn them into fresh, local, and sustainable mushrooms that you can use for your recipes.

2: Restoring balance with mycorrhizal fungi 

Mycorrhizal Fungi's Role
One of the most significant contributions fungi make to sustainable agriculture is through mycorrhizal fungi. These fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, enhancing the plant’s ability to absorb essential nutrients like phosphorus. By extending the root network, mycorrhizal fungi help plants reach water and nutrients that would otherwise remain inaccessible. This not only improves plant health and crop yields but also reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers, which can have long-term negative impacts on soil health and water systems. There are several types of mycorrhizal fungi, each with unique functions and benefits and every place has its own native ecology of mycorrhizal fungi:

  1. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF): These fungi penetrate the root cells of most land plants, forming structures called arbuscules that facilitate nutrient exchange. AMF are particularly effective at increasing phosphorus uptake, a critical nutrient often limited in soils. This type of mycorrhiza also enhances water absorption and supports overall plant growth.

  2. Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: Unlike AMF, ectomycorrhizal fungi form a dense network around the outside of plant roots without penetrating the root cells. They are commonly associated with trees and woody plants, aiding in the uptake of nutrients such as nitrogen and minerals. Ectomycorrhizae also play a role in improving soil structure and promoting forest health.

  3. Ericoid Mycorrhizal Fungi: These fungi are specific to plants in the heath family, such as blueberries and cranberries. They form a specialized relationship with the plant's roots, helping them access nutrients in acidic soils where other fungi may struggle.

  4. Orchid Mycorrhizal Fungi: Essential for the germination of orchid seeds, these fungi form a unique partnership with orchid roots, providing nutrients to seedlings in exchange for carbohydrates. This relationship is crucial for the survival and growth of many orchid species.

Each type of mycorrhizal fungus plays a distinct role in supporting plant health and soil fertility, highlighting the diverse ways fungi contribute to sustainable agricultural practices.

Fungal Contribution to Soil Structure
Beyond nutrient uptake, fungal mycelium—networks of thread-like structures—helps bind soil particles together, improving soil aggregation. This process leads to better water retention, making soils more resistant to erosion and drought. Farmers who incorporate mycorrhizal inoculants into their practices often see improved soil health over time, contributing to long-term sustainability in their farming systems.

A Success Story: 

At Mycorrhizal Applications (MA), we are dedicated to sustainability by providing the agriculture, horticulture, landscaping, and forestry industries with efficient and effective microbial-based biorational solutions. As the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of mycorrhizal soil inoculants, MA researches, produces, and markets mycorrhizal fungi which accelerate plant performance by greatly increasing the surface absorbing area of roots, producing a healthier root system. These specialized fungi colonize plant roots to create a symbiotic root-and-mycelial network within the surrounding soils, increasing efficiency in nutrient and water absorption to optimize plant hardiness and vigor. MA’s MycoApply® line of professional mycorrhizal inoculants is utilized by landscapers, farmers, forest nurseries, restoration & erosion control specialists, greenhouses, soil media manufacturers, and professional horticulturalists to maximize plant success and improve return on investment. MA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Valent BioSciences.

3: Biocontrols for biodiversity

The decline in insect populations, known as the "insect apocalypse," is driven by pesticide use, habitat loss, climate change, and pollution. Pesticides target harmful pests but often kill beneficial insects, disrupting ecosystems and impairing critical functions like pollination and soil health. Additionally, habitat destruction and climate changes further threaten insect survival. Despite these challenges, some insects have evolved specialized adaptations, such as monarch butterflies laying eggs on milkweed and certain bees pollinating specific flowers. These adaptations highlight the intricate ecological relationships at risk. Addressing these threats with sustainable practices is crucial to preserving beneficial insects and maintaining ecological balance.

Fungal Biopesticides
Another important role fungi play in sustainable agriculture is in pest management. Fungi-based biopesticides, such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, target specific insect pests while leaving beneficial organisms unharmed. Unlike conventional chemical pesticides, these biopesticides do not disrupt ecosystems or lead to the development of resistant pest populations.

Support for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health
Using fungal biopesticides promotes biodiversity, reduces chemical runoff, and prevents the negative side effects of synthetic pesticides, such as soil degradation and water contamination.

A Success Story:

This success story is more of a murder mystery story but here’s the excerpt from Cornell

“In the late 1980s and early 1990s, scientists noticed gypsy moth cadavers hanging from trees in the northeastern forests and identified the cause as a fungal infection. This discovery renewed interest in using fungi for control. Molecular studies indicated that the infection was caused by the same species of fungus, Entomophaga maimaiga, as the one collected in Japan in the early 1900’s, but that it was not identical to that fungus or to the same species collected and released in 1985-86. When and where did it come from and how was it spread? The answer seems that it was an accidental introduction from Japan and probably occurred after 1971. Perhaps even more interesting is that fact that it has spread across the contiguous distribution of the gypsy moth in the Northeastern US. This spread is due to aerial dispersal of spores from gypsy moth larvae and perhaps to human activity, as gypsy moths are prone to move long distances on the undersides of vehicles. There is interest in using infected gypsy moth, or the fungus itself, to inoculate the leading edges of newly infested areas and prevent outbreaks of this devastating pest. However, details of the introduction and establishment of US populations of E. maimaiga remain a mystery.” 

4: Land and water conservation through mushroom growing 

Fungi as a Water-Efficient Crop
In addition to their role in soil health, fungi themselves are incredibly water-efficient crops. Mushroom cultivation requires far less water compared to traditional crops, making them an ideal food source for sustainable agriculture, particularly in water-limited regions. By growing fungi, farmers can significantly reduce their water footprint while producing high-value food products.

Fungi and Land Conservation
Mushrooms are also space-efficient crops, capable of producing large amounts of food in a minimal physical footprint. Unlike traditional crops, which require vast tracts of land, fungi can be cultivated in small, controlled environments, such as vertical farms or even repurposed agricultural waste. This efficiency in land use is especially critical as farmland becomes more scarce and ecosystems are strained by deforestation and urban expansion.

Sustainable Farming on Marginal Lands
Fungi can be grown on marginal lands or in urban areas where traditional crops struggle to thrive. Whether cultivated on tree logs, in indoor farms, or on agricultural by-products, mushrooms provide a way to maximize food production without further depleting the Earth's arable land. This makes mushroom farming an ideal solution for regions facing land degradation or limited farming space.

A Success Story:

This farm is based in the Sonoran desert of Tucson, Arizona and produces a rotating variety of fresh gourmet mushrooms, mostly centered around tree-borne species that grow in colder, wetter climates - but in Southern Arizona! They produce everything indoors using modern controlled environment agriculture techniques and practices. Basically, we're a modern indoor mushroom farm. By carefully adjusting temperature, lighting, and humidity, we can simulate the natural growing conditions of many kinds of mushrooms that grow in higher elevations and different regions of the country.

5: Fungi, the atmosphere, and carbon sequestration

Fungi’s Role in Carbon Storage
Fungi are also crucial in the global fight against climate change. Fungal mycelium helps store carbon in soils by stabilizing organic matter, keeping it from decomposing too quickly and releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. This natural carbon sequestration process plays an essential role in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture
By incorporating fungi into agricultural practices, farmers can actively participate in carbon sequestration efforts. This not only helps reduce the greenhouse gasses emitted by farming activities but also improves soil health, creating a win-win for both the environment and food production.

A Success Story:

This success story stems from research which estimates, 13.12 Gt of CO2e fixed by terrestrial plants is, at least temporarily, allocated to the underground mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi per year, equating to ∼36% of current annual CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. 

6: Agroforestry, Foraging, and Crop Diversification

Mushroom Cultivation in Agroforestry Systems
Agroforestry systems—where trees, crops, and livestock coexist—can benefit from incorporating mushroom cultivation. Fungi like shiitake or maitake can be grown on fallen logs or trees in these systems, providing a sustainable income stream for farmers while enhancing biodiversity. However, not all mushroom cultivation requires cutting down trees. In fact, preserving forests for wild mushroom foraging plays a vital role in supporting both environmental health and local economies.

Conserving Forests for Mycorrhizal Mushroom Foraging
Wild foraging for mycorrhizal mushrooms, such as chanterelles, porcini, and truffles, can offer an eco-friendly, non-invasive way to harvest valuable crops without disrupting forest ecosystems. These mushrooms form symbiotic relationships with trees, relying on intact, healthy forests to grow. By protecting and conserving forest areas, we enable the sustainable harvesting of these gourmet and medicinal fungi.

Mycelium for Water Retention
Fungi play an important role in water conservation by improving the soil’s capacity to retain moisture. Mycorrhizal fungi, in particular, form extensive networks that act like a sponge, absorbing and storing water in the soil. This not only helps plants access water during dry periods but also reduces the need for excessive irrigation, a crucial benefit in regions experiencing water scarcity or drought.

The Economic and Ecological Value of Wild Mushrooms
Wild mushrooms, such as morels, chanterelles, and truffles, have significant gourmet and medicinal value. Truffles, for instance, are highly sought after in the culinary world and command high prices on the market. Foraging for wild mushrooms, to an extent and with intentional reasoning encourages the preservation of natural habitats, ensuring long-term forest health while providing an alternative income source for rural communities.

Supporting Ecosystem Services
In addition to their economic value, wild mushrooms contribute to important ecosystem services, such as supporting soil health, aiding in carbon sequestration, and promoting biodiversity. Protecting forests for mycorrhizal mushroom foraging allows these fungi to continue playing their critical roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems, while also providing sustainable harvesting opportunities.

A Success Story:

This final success story calls attention to the forest-fungi agroforestry systems being implemented by the Centre for Mountain Futures in which medicinal plants and mushrooms are grown together with multipurpose trees. The system involved regenerating a severely degraded phosphorus mining site in the remote hills of Yunnan Province, China. Supported by the China South-South Development Center Project, representatives from India, Nepal and Myanmar, whose needs and developmental demands were first assessed by CMF staff, were invited to CMF, Kunming Institute of Botany to participate in a five-day intensive training program regarding the cultivation and production of mushrooms deemed viable for growth in their country of origin. 

The training covered both solid-state cultivation (e.g., the bag cultivation method) and liquid-state cultivation, with a particular emphasis on the cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum and Morchella. Training on how to cultivate and produce these two high-demand species was meant to build a foundation for the future cultivation of other mushroom varieties with similar cultivation methods. Visiting agrotechnicians were equipped with the technologies relating to different edible and medicinal mushroom types. 

These visiting delegates from Nepal, India and Myanmar underwent capacity building to utilize high-value mushroom growing technologies and were empowered to set their own guidelines for the cultivation of economic mushrooms and train smallholder farmers, especially women, in their communities. 


Fungi are more than just organisms breaking down organic matter—they are essential partners in creating a sustainable future for agriculture. From improving soil health and nutrient cycling to reducing water use and sequestering carbon, fungi play a pivotal role in the transition to more resilient farming systems. By exploring the potential of mycology, farmers, gardeners, and researchers can unlock the full potential of fungi to promote sustainability on a global scale.

Call to Action: As the puzzle of sustainable agriculture continues to take shape, fungi represent a key piece that has often been overlooked. Let’s embrace mycology's potential and integrate these natural allies into farming practices for a greener, more sustainable future.


Afterlife mushrooms: We are a New York City-based circular farm that turns food scraps into fresh, local, sustainable mushrooms. Afterlife Mushrooms: we are a New York City-based circular farm that turns food scraps into fresh, local, sustainable mushrooms. (2024).

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Medicinal Mushrooms and the 5 Aggregates: A Path to Holistic Health